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Ministry of Higher Education confirms the date of Mid year exams

Higher Education scientific committee member condemned social media posts that spread misinformation about prescription that treats covid19. Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, issued a new ministerial decision to settle exams for university students. This decision stipulates that the practical, laboratory and written examinations for the first semester 2021 will begin in all technical institutes of the Egyptian Colleges of Technology as of Saturday 20 February 2021.The decision stipulated that the examinations for the subjects of the second year students in the subjects of the first year would start on Saturday, March 27, 2021.The decision also stressed that all examinations should stop during public holidays and holidays. The decision affirmed that studies for the second semester will start from Sunday March 21, 2021.

On a separate note, COVID-19 vaccination roll-out started on Sunday 24. The program starts with medical teams in COVID19 isolation, chest and fever hospitals using the Chinese vaccine Sinopharm and will be followed by other medical staff, 65+ years old people suffering from chronic diseases. The government will begin by distributing 50k doses at 40 medical centres (enough for 25k people) over the next three weeks.