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  • The Ministry of Education in Colombia announces new regulations to validate foreign degrees

The Ministry of Education in Colombia announces new regulations to validate foreign degrees

The Ministry of Education in Colombia announced the new procedures and requirements for the recognition of degrees awarded by foreign Higher Education Institutions, including the UK.

The new regulations were officially in place last December 22, 2014. To advice Colombian students on the validation process of their foreign degree obtained in the UK, please visit the Ministry of Education in Colombia webpage: http://www.mineducacion.gov.co/1621/w3-article-232237.html or download the full version of requirements below.

Among the documents UK institutions must give to the students are:

• School certificate intended to validate.
• Original or certified copy of certificate of qualifications or curriculum program title that is subject to validation.
• Original grading certificate or the curriculum.

NB: Student will have to submit additional documents to get the validation approved

If your institution has any doubts please contact: Rocio Gilede, Subdirector of Quality Assurance from the Ministry at the email address: jgilede@mineducacion.gov.co