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Minister’s inaugural visit to China highlights strength of UK-China education collaboration

As part of the 2016 Pujiang Innovation Forum, Jo Johnson, the UK’s Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation, made a one-day education-themed visit to Suzhou in East China’s Jiangsu province, where he witnessed the signing of six new agreements that will see the UK and China deepen collaboration across innovation and higher education. The new agreements demonstrate and further strengthen the UK’s leading position and reputation in China’s education market.


The Minister also took the opportunity of his visit to address more than 300 Chinese and international students at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, in a speech in which he highlighted the important role they will play in the future of the UK-China friendship, and the UK’s dedication to international engagement. “You are all ambassadors of the UK-China friendship and the bedrock of the strong relationship between our two nations,” he said. “I know that you will all contribute greatly to the deep relationship between the UK and China in the months and years to come.

His visit to Suzhou reinforced the UK’s commitment to working with Jiangsu province and the rest of China in jointly developing programmes that address both countries’ priorities and generate mutual benefit. In addressing the students, the Minister said: “We want to work with China to address the challenges in education, to develop globally aware citizens equipped with the skills and cultural understanding that is essential in today’s globalised economy.

The visit also underlined the strength of existing collaborations between both countries, which act as a firm foundation for the relationship to develop and expand further.

The visit received much media attention, reaching a combined viewership of 300 million across China.



(All photos ©British Council)