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  • MHRD encourages international collaborations with Indian institutions – new regulation states Ministry of External Affairs’ advisory to be kept in the loop before signing MOU's

MHRD encourages international collaborations with Indian institutions – new regulation states Ministry of External Affairs’ advisory to be kept in the loop before signing MOU's

In an effort to encourage foreign universities to collaborate with Indian institutions, the Human Resource Development Ministry, India has proposed that while signing any Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for collaboration with foreign universities, Indian institutions must refer to the Ministry of External Affairs’ advisory.

Department of Higher Education has issued an internal note to consolidate instructions with regard to collaboration with foreign universities for faculty exchange, research projects and other forms of MoUs.

This is an effort towards having a uniform system for global partnership within the framework of national interest. MHRD has announced that they will be requesting Ministry of External affairs (MEA) to provide this ministry regular updates for guidance of higher education institutions with regard to partnership for faculty exchange and research projects.

This effort by the MHRD will facilitate international collaborations and partnerships with Indian institutions.

To read the original story, click on: www.indianexpress.com/article/india/india-others/hrd-to-institutes-follo...

To get more information on partnerships and collaborations in India and if you wish to facilitate or partner with Indian institutions to Shruti Khanna on shruti.khanna@in.britishcouncil.org