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MEU, University of Bedfordshire launch partnership to obtain British degrees

Middle East University in Jordan signs a partnership agreement with the University of Bedfordshire.

The academic partnership between the two parties was announced on Monday, the 5th of February 2018 in a ceremony held under the patronage of Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Adel Tweisi , and was attended by the British Ambassador to Jordan Edward Oakden, MEU, University of Bedfordshire launch partnership to obtain British degrees.

MEU will start offering programmes and specialisations, under which the student is granted a UK degree at the beginning of the second semester of the current academic year 2017/2018.

The Higher Education Council and the Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission for Higher Education Institutions have approved MEU hosting programmes and specialisations under the agreement conducted with the British University of Bedfordshire, according to the statement.

According to the agreement, UK degrees are awarded in bachelor’s, master’s and PhD degrees for Jordanian and Arab students in business administration, cyber security, graphic design and media.

In this regard, Zu’bi, said that the commission is keen to facilitate the process of partnership between Jordanian universities and all foreign universities, especially British universities.