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Merge of Two Education Ministries in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia’s New King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud has announced a major cabinet reshuffle that ushered in fresh new faces into state institutions and awarded financial support for many Saudis. The education and higher education ministries have been merged. Dr Azzam Al Dakhil has been appointed as a new minister of education as part of his Majesty's orders. The merger will bridge the gap between the two ministries and improve educational outputs and help to overcome many obstacles in the way of educational reforms in the Kingdom.

HE Dr. Azzam bin Mohammed Al-Dakhil who will head the super-ministry studied for his PhD from the University of Dundee UK in 2002. British Council team congratulates His Excellency on his new portfolio and hopes that it will have a very positive impact on building even stronger relations between Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom's education sectors.