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Marks in Spanish Bachillerato

As many Universities in the UK may already know, a few years ago, the Spanish Ministry of Education and UCAS both agreed a fair comparison of Spanish Bachillerato marks versus UK A-Level marks and agreed UCAS tariff points. As both, the UK and Spain is changing, it is now time to review the mapping of qualifications and marks.

The proposal is now to compare Spanish key subjects against UK similar A-Levels in order for both Spanish and UK Universities to be able to accept each other's qualifications and understand how well (or not) a student has done in order to accept him/her at the University. This work is likely to start in the next few months and results should be available before the first cohort of new Bachillerato students finish (in June 2017).

The British Council Spain will be working with UK key stakeholders to ensure the mapping is fair to both countries. This should include UCAS, Naric and main AL awarding bodies. We hope this new system will help UK Universities to better understand Spanish system and marks.

Carolina Jimenez, British Council Spain