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  • Malaysian National Recovery Council recommends re-opening borders to quarantine free travel by March 2022

Malaysian National Recovery Council recommends re-opening borders to quarantine free travel by March 2022

The Malaysian National Recovery Council (NRC) has recommended to the government that international borders should be fully opened by 1 March without any mandatory quarantine requirements. They said, that as per Ministry of Health advisory travellers entering Malaysia would have to undergo Covid-19 tests before traveling and on arrival as recommended by the Ministry of Health; the re-opening of borders will be undertaken in a planned manner based on current risk assessments.

The NRC have marked the opening of borders as an important step towards supporting industry and economy.  Malaysia recently resumed the vaccinated travel lane with Singapore and has agreed to begin a travel corridor with Indonesia  early this year.

Source: https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/malaysia-to-reopen-borders-to-international-travellers-as-early-as-march-1-report

and https://www.channelnewsasia.com/asia/malaysia-reopen-borders-no-quarantine-mar-1-muhyiddin-national-recovery-council-2485591


Comments by British Council:

The recommendation to fully re-open international borders is a welcome step as part of Malaysia’s recovery plan. The final decision to open borders will be made and announced by the cabinet.

Re-opening of borders without quarantine will go a long way to support UK institutions to maximise opportunities and attend upcoming face-to-face activities and events, nurture partnerships, generate collaborations and facilitate inward student mobility.

Further announcements are expected  and updates  will be shared as soon as announced.