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  • Malaysia reimposes Movement Control Order (MCO) for 2 weeks in several states to curb surge in Covid-19 cases; Malaysian King declares state-of-emergency till August to curb spread of Covid-19.

Malaysia reimposes Movement Control Order (MCO) for 2 weeks in several states to curb surge in Covid-19 cases; Malaysian King declares state-of-emergency till August to curb spread of Covid-19.

The Malaysian government announced a new Movement Control Order (MCO) from 13 to 26 January as a measure to control the recent spike in Covid-19 cases. Malaysia recently recorded the highest number of daily cases with 2000 plus increase daily and breaching 3000 plus in a day placing greater pressure on the health sector.

The MCO has been imposed in six states: Melaka, Johor, Selangor, Penang and Sabah along with federal territories of Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Putrajaya. The measures and restrictions include no inter-state or inter-district travel, two people per household allowed to be out for groceries, a ban on social gatherings, essential services to remain open, organisations to have staff work from home  with minimal staff allowed in offices for urgent unavoidable reasons.

Malaysia has declared a state-of-emergency from 12 January until 1 August 2021 or earlier if Covid-19 cases come under control. In a speech the Prime Minister stated that the state of emergency is needed to contain the pandemic; the government machinery and establishments will not be affected and will continue to function, economic activities will continue as per the MCO guidelines and general, state or by-elections will not be held, among other regulations.

The Ministry of Education will be releasing fresh guidelines and SOPs for schools and students, especially those sitting for major public examinations. 

Source: Malaysia to impose MCO for 2 weeks from 13 Jan in several states to curb Covid-19 cases

Malaysia to reimpose MCO - what it entails

Malaysia's King declares state-of-emergency till August to curb Covid-19

Comments by Saman Imtiaz, British Council Malaysia

The new MCO, with different levels of restrictions across various states, has been announced for two weeks till 26 January. In the past, the government has reviewed the in-country pandemic situation at two weekly intervals before deciding whether the MCO will be extended or relaxed.

This may have an impact on Malaysian education institutions and academic cycles. A separate announcement is expected from the Ministry of Education about guidelines and SOPs for students who are to sit for their SPM exams. At the moment, there is no change in the examination schedule.   It is anticipated that teaching and learning will continue virtually in the impacted states pending further directives from the Ministry of Higher Education and Ministry of Education.

It is also important to note that the previously announced international travel restrictions are still in place. Any changes or updates will be shared on the IES website as soon as announced.