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  • Malaysia announces nation-wide Movement Control Order (MCO) to contain increasing cases of Covid-19

Malaysia announces nation-wide Movement Control Order (MCO) to contain increasing cases of Covid-19

Malaysian Prime Minister announced on 10 May that all of Malaysia will be placed under MCO from 12 May till 7 June 2021. The nation-wide MCO is being imposed to counter the critical increase in daily new cases that have touched and exceeded 4000.

The MCO rules include no large gatherings such as weddings, dinners, no face-to-face seminars or meetings, no inter-state or inter-district travel (except for emergency maters for health, work, economic matters), restriction of movement on roads/passengers in vehicles and most organisations to work from home with no more than 30% of management allowed in offices at any time – among other rules. 

All educational institutions are to be closed; the only exceptions will be for students sitting for international examinations.

Ramadhan concludes with Eid this week, and special SOPs for Eid include a maximum of 50 people in mosques with a capacity of 1000 and no more than 20 people for premises that accommodate less than 1000. Eid gatherings at homes are not allowed.

The government has also introduced the HIDE (Hotspots Identification for Dynamic Engagement) system to monitor premises and potential hotspots for immediate follow-up action. The list is updated daily and is accessible to all – to check which locations/premises are safe or have caution advised.

Source: https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2021/05/11/mco-for-whole-of-malaysia

Comments by British Council

The new daily increase in cases first triggered the MCO in districts of Selangor, this was expanded to cover Kuala Lumpur the very next day. However, with the consistent increase in cases, the government has announced a nation-wide MCO as a measure to stop movement, travel, and spread of infections during the Hari Raya Eid period and this starts today. The Hari Raya period traditionally sees large private family gatherings for Eid celebrations. 

The Eid days also have large scale movement of university students traveling to hometowns and back.

There is strong concern among the community about the fast spread of infection. It is hoped that stricter measures for SOPs and MCO (as the vaccination drives continue)  will help to contain and slow down the spread. The situation will be reviewed on 7 June to decide if there is need for an extension. 

Further details about SOPs and rules are expected and will be shared as soon as announced.