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Maharashtra to participate in PISA to improve state education

The government in its constant endeavour to improve secondary education provided to students studying in state schools have decided to participate in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). This Programme is a worldwide study designed and conducted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) whereby 15-year-old school pupils' performance on mathematics, science, and reading is measured. It is conducted once every three years.

South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore are among the top four in the earlier conducted PISA survey. Nanda Kumar, principal secretary of the department in a government resolution, said that India and Maharashtra too can excel on a global stage like other Asian countries.

PISA helps governments to not only understand where they stand compared to other countries but also to enhance, the effectiveness of their educational systems and to learn from other countries practices.

SIEM India constantly tracks the initiatives undertaken by the government to improve education standards in India. If you are planning any event or visit in India or the state of Maharashtra you may get in touch with Shruti Khanna CC SIEM South Asia for any advice or assistance towards organising the same.


Read the original story at http://indiatoday.intoday.in/education/story/maharashtra-students/1/768894.html