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LPDP Scholarships Not Evenly Spread

The Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education or Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP) was established to be the best fund management institution at the national level to prepare future leaders. It provides scholarships, funding research and fund management (investment). It is currently owned by 4 Ministries: Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education and Ministry of Education and Culture.
It is worth noting that the UK is the no. 1 destination study for LPDP scholarships' recipients.
A policy imperative of the Indonesian government is to provide educational opportunities across the nation. However, to date the majority of LPDP scholarship recipients have been from Java, with only small numbers from elsewhere. Therefore LPDP have received criticism from the House of Representatives (DPR) related to their performance, as scholarships are not evenly distributed to all regions in Indonesia.
Based on LPDP data, scholarship recipients by region are West Java (1,014), DKI Jakarta (711), East Java (497), DI Yogyakarta (382), Central Java (367), South Sulawesi (223), Banten (199), Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (177), and Papua (94). Regions with the least recipients in 2014 were North Kalimantan (0), Gorontalo (4), Central Kalimantan (7), Riau Islands (9), North Maluku (11), Bangka Belitung Islands (15), North Sulawesi (16), South Kalimantan (21), and Bengkulu (22).
LPDP Director Eko Prasetyo said he will take action to promote and accommodate registrants from outside Java. In 2015, the scholarships are planned to be provided to 3,100 people.

Source: Print edition of Sindo Newspaper, page 5 (22 April 2015) as reported by (Indonesian Language).