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  • Lower tuition fees at Hong Kong universities may tempt UK students

Lower tuition fees at Hong Kong universities may tempt UK students

That's according to students contemplating coming to the city in the belief that it will work out cheaper than studying at home.
Mikaela Belcher, a 17-year-old high school student from Dorset, southwest England, found the lower cost of student life in Hong Kong "fantastic" during a taster summer course at Polytechnic University last summer. "Another benefit of studying in Hong Kong is its being such an international hub."

While Hong Kong students who turn down a subsidised local university place to study abroad face bills 10 times higher than in the city, it's a different story for the likes of Belcher, who are suffering after the British government decided two years ago to charge students the full cost of a university education.

"In the UK, I face starting my [post-university] life with a debt of about £50,000 [HK$583,000] in tuition fees and living costs." In Hong Kong she will face a tuition fee of about £12,000 a year.

Belcher feels many British students are unaware that they can study in Hong Kong without speaking Chinese. "I don't think that people realise that nearly every course in Hong Kong is taught in English and to an excellent standard," Belcher said.

Summaya Mughal, a Nottingham student who spent two weeks studying accountancy at Chinese University, agreed that language was a worry. "I feel these concerns can be overcome with more information provided … via the students' sixth-form colleges, careers departments and through other students who have studied in Hong Kong." Reports South China Morning Post