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  • Lecturers that don’t have PG qualification have to study again, plans for prior learning to be recognised

Lecturers that don’t have PG qualification have to study again, plans for prior learning to be recognised

The Research, Technology and HE Ministry (Ristek Dikti) estimates that there are 53,031 lecturers that need to continue their studies. DG for Science and HE Resources Ali Ghufron Mukti stated that his ministry will provide scholarships for lecturers to continue their studies to MA (S2) level. Only 26% of lecturers have PhDs, 58% have Masters and 23% still only have UG qualifications. Currently the Ministry is mapping the UG lecturers and is applying prior learning to help identify their educational level. Ali Ghufron estimates that this raising lecturer quality programme will be completed over 2-3 years.

According to the Ministry, there are significant and urgent shortages in lecturers in applied technology, renewable energy and shipbuilding.

• ‘53,031 Lecturers with UG Qualifications Must Study Again,’ Koran Sindo, page 5, Monday 4th March 2016;
• ‘Lecturers without MAs will Undergo Equivalence’, Koran Sindo, Page 16, Monday 21st March 2016: http://www.koran-sindo.com/news.php?r=0&n=33&date=2016-03-21

Commentary by: Teresa Birks, British Council Indonesia, Director Education and Society, teresa.birks@britishcouncil.or.id

Ristek Dikti still needs to identify MA courses for its lecturers, and the UK is the favourite destination in part because of the shorter degrees in England and Wales in comparison to our competitors, but also because of the subject specialisms required, which also make Scottish Universities popular. Although the Ristek Dikti scholarship is now managed by the LPDP, Ristek Dikti are supportive of sending their lecturers to suitable universities that are not necessarily those on the top 200 list. Worth UK HEIs making links with DG Ali Ghufron’s office, and also to send any communications to the Ristek Dikti Secretary General, Prof Ainun Na’aim, who is on the LPDP scholarship selection board.

Also of interest to Ristek Dikti are prior learning assessment methodologies. RPL is managed under the DG for Learning and Student Affairs, Prof Intan Ahmad. English will remain an issue however – the LPDP do have intensive English language training centres in state universities, but any approach that includes support for scholars much appreciated.