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Latest study abroad market trends in Japan – insights from study abroad agents

The British Council Japan recently conducted face to face meetings with a number of major study abroad agents in Japan to hear their views on the latest market trends. The majority of the agents we met deal with language students, but some support university study abroad students. The key insights gained from these meetings and our recommendations for UK institutions are outlined below.

<The Philippines is now the most popular ELT destination>
The recent growth of the Philippines as an ELT destination has been phenomenal. It is estimated that 35,000 students from Japan studied English in the Philippines in 2015 (compared to 20,081 to Canada, 19,809 to Australia and 13,669 to the UK). Major Japanese companies as well as schools send hundreds of their employees to the country to learn English. Agents reported that the Philippines is a popular destination for those with a relatively low-level of English. It is also known as one of the most affordable ELT destinations. One agent reported that language students with a low level of English tend to prioritise price over any other factor and this makes the Philippines a particularly attractive option. 

<The effect of security concerns on students’ decision making>
According to the agents we met, the UK is still struggling to recover from the negative impact of security risks and political instability in Europe. One agent, which organises a 1-year UK study abroad programme for university students, reported that the number of participants dropped earlier this year and a survey of prospective students found that security risks were cited as a reason not to take part in the programme.

Agents, as well as major Japanese media outlets, have also reported how the political situation in the US has affected student decision-making with an increasing number of prospective students considering Canada or Australia as alternatives to the US. This trend has been particularly marked among prospective English language students. Agents foresee that Canada and Australia will gain from the current trend because of the perceived lack of obvious security risks in these countries.

<China and Taiwan establishing themselves as major long-term study abroad destinations>
The number of Japanese students studying in China and Taiwan has consistently increased in the last few years enabling these countries to establish themselves as major study abroad destinations alongside traditional destinations such as the US and the UK.  Many students are attracted to Chinese universities in particular thanks to their increasingly international student body.

Recommendations for UK institutions
The UK remains an attractive destination for Japanese students and it has received a timely boost with the widely reported news that Princess Kako, who is a young and popular member of the Japanese Imperial Family, will be heading to the UK for study abroad this autumn.

However, with the growing perception of security risks in Europe continuous efforts are required to reassure Japanese students of the safety of your campus and accommodation.  This is especially true for short-term students (including university study year abroad students) who tend to be more influenced by security risks.

For both short-term and long-term study, Japanese prospective students are becoming increasingly price sensitive.  More advanced students on the other hand, tend to place a greater importance on quality and in this respect the UK is one of the more attractive destinations. In addition, those who studied in the UK often cite its cultural attractiveness (music, arts, sports, and so on) as the reason why they chose the UK. UK institutions are, therefore, recommended to emphasise the rich cultural experience and high quality of education that they offer.