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Latest statistics show continued demand for UK boarding school education in Japan

Continued interest in Japan in UK boarding schools has been reflected in the latest Independent Schools Council (ISC) Census and Tier 4 Child Visa issuances.

Key statistics from the ISC Census 2019 (all figures as of January 2019)

  • 11% increase in total number of Japanese pupils whose parents live overseas: 437 (vs 392 in 2018, and up from 313 in 2014)
  • Total number of new Japanese pupils whose parents live overseas: 152 (vs 156 in 2018, and up from 126 in 2014)
  • Total number of Japanese pupils (parents living either in/outside of the UK): 1,040 (vs 1,068 in 2018, and up from 668 in 2014).

2018 Tier 4 Child Visa Issuances: 283 (vs 289 in 2017, and up from 245 in 2015)

Good demand for UK boarding schools has also been reported by local agents who have registered growth in enquiries for summer schools for prep-aged children (seen as a taster for longer-term study), and 1-year programmes for senior high school students.  An upturn in enquiries on the IB and A-levels has also been reported as understanding of these qualifications improves in Japan.

Interest in overseas boarding school education is being driven by increased awareness in Japanese society of the importance of gaining study abroad experience from a young age, growing interest in active learning and critical thinking, solid government support for study abroad through the Tobitate scholarships programme, and strong demands from industry for graduates with ‘global skills’.

UK boarding schools wishing to capitalise on the continued demand should be aware that parents/influencers in Japan are particularly concerned about safety and pastoral care, as well as a school’s record in sending pupils to top-ranking universities. Schools should also note that parents place a high price on face-to-face engagement, so regular visits to the country to meet parents is key. 

If your school is interested in engaging with Japan, we would recommend visiting in the autumn, which is the premier recruitment season.  For reference, the British Council will be running the following activities this coming October:

Study UK Exhibition Japan 2019: https://education-services.britishcouncil.org/exhibition/study-uk-japan-exhibition-october-2019

UK Boarding Schools Marketing and Recruitment Campaign Japan: https://education-services.britishcouncil.org/news/opportunities/study-uk-boarding-school-campaign-north-east-asia-0

If you have any questions about the above or would like learn more about the market and opportunities in Japan, please contact Hal Parker (hal.parker@britishcouncil.or.jp).