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  • Latest list of China-foreign TNE programmes published; contains seven new joint programmes

Latest list of China-foreign TNE programmes published; contains seven new joint programmes

The Ministry of Education published an updated list of China-foreign cooperative education projects in late March 2015. The list contains seven new joint programmes which are recruiting students for the first time:

  • A joint undergraduate programme in Communication Science between the Communication University of China (CUC) and the University of Missouri Columbia
  • A joint undergraduate programme in Food Science and Engineering between Beijing Technology and Business University and University College Cork
  • A joint undergraduate programme in Bio-engineering between Beijing University of Chemical Technology and State University of New York
  • A joint undergraduate programme in Information Management and Information Systems between Beijing Jiaotong University and the Rochester Institute of Technology
  • A joint Master's programme in Enterprise Management (Entrepreneurship and Innovation) between Beijing Jiaotong University and the Rochester Institute of Technology
  • A joint Master's programme in Enterprise Management (Financial Engineering) between Peking University and the National University of Singapore
  • A joint PhD. programme between the Central University of Finance and Economics and Tilburg University Netherlands

Analysis by Liu Jing, Assistant Director Education Marketing

The newly approved joint programmes to some extent reflected Chinese authorities' TNE subject preferences, although there is flexibility in approval and all applications are assessed on a case by case basis. In general the subject should address China's development needs  (e.g.  bio-engineering, environment). Business and management related courses are still possible, but need to be positioned or focused on a specific direction which addresses Chinese needs (e.g. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Financial Engineering), and are more feasible at the Master's or PhD level as the number of postgraduate TNE programmes is still very limited compared to undergraduate programmes. Chinese authorities strongly encourage more postgraduate joint programmes which could better enable China to attract and introduce high quality overseas education resources.

Source (in Chinese): http://www.jyb.cn/world/zwyj/201503/t20150319_616370.html