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Land sites awarded to new international schools

Malvern College and Shrewsbury School are among five schools awarded sites to open new schools in Hong Kong.

Chambers of Commerce have long lobbied the government for more international schools, citing the shortage of international school places as a key factor in dissuading expatriate professionals from moving here. Local critics have however criticised the decision, saying that the successful schools will charge fees unaffordable for middle income families.

Shrewsbury School will provide over 850 places for international children aged five to 11 years old. Malvern College will offer 300 places. The other successful applicants were Dubai-based ESOL Education, Harbour School (an existing small international school) and French International School. Combined the five schools will provide about 4,270 places - 3,490 primary and 780 secondary - by school year 2018-19.

The additional secondary places will be good news for UK universities recruiting students from Hong Kong, as this will partially offset the decline in local students that is occurring over the next five years due to a long term trend of low birth rates.

For further information on the local school sector and prospects for students recruitment from Hong Kong, please contact Janice Ng – Janice.ng@britishcouncil.org.hk


Reference article - http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/education-community/article/1813064/shrewsbury-school-malvern-college-granted-sites