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Korean University Ranking in Asia, 2016

THE World University Ranking has announced the ranking for Asian Universities for 2016 and 3 Korean Universities placed their names in the Top 10 list.
'Pohang University of Science and Technology' moved up to the 8th from 11th last year, while 'Seoul National University' (9th) and 'Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)' (10th) went down few steps.
Along with other Asian countries such as China, Japan and Singapore, Korea is successfully showing it's power to the world higher education sector and rise up the rankings with help of strength in depth.
As Unesco’s report noted that “over the past five years, the Republic of Korea has become one of the most research-intensive economies in the world” – spending 4.15 per cent of its gross domestic product on research and development in 2013.

* Number of Universities in THE Asia University Ranking 2016 (Top 200)
- China: 39
- Japan: 39
- South Korea: 24
- Taiwan: 24