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Korea tops OECD in math proficiency

South Korean students ranked the highest in mathematics, and scored highly in reading and science proficiency tests among the nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, according to a report released Tuesday from the organization.

According to the report, Korea received the highest average score of 554 in mathematics among the 34 OECD countries, followed by that of Japan with 536 and Switzerland with 531.

Korea also ranked second in reading table with 536, only two points behind top-placed Japan with 538. Japan also topped in science proficiency with 547 points, followed by Finland and Estonia with 545 and 541 respectively. Korea came fourth in science with 538 points, still well above the OECD average score of 501.

The performance of Korean students proves the country’s established education system and also strong zeal for education, according to the Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation. Reports Korea Herald