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  • KHDA: Dubai School Market Hits 8.45 bn AED

KHDA: Dubai School Market Hits 8.45 bn AED

A new data from the Education Landscape Report by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority reported that the private schools in Dubai earned Dh 8.45 billion in annual revenues from tuition fees in 2019-20. The revenue excludes discounts offered on the KHDA approved fee. Lately, the report shows the constant rise of the revenue year after year and the data for the 2017-18 academic year states that the schools earned Dh 7.5 billion.

This increase in revenues confirms the demand for schools in Dubai and growth in number of students enrolling in private schools. This again confirms Dubai as an attractive recruitment destination for UK institutions looking to enrol students in their undergraduate programmes.

Complete article can be found here: https://whichschooladvisor.com/uae/school-news/khda-dubai-school-market-...