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  • Jeju Provincial government putting effort in English education and looking for partnerships with HE institutions abroad

Jeju Provincial government putting effort in English education and looking for partnerships with HE institutions abroad

As the first free international city of Korea, Jeju is putting institutional effort to encourage the city's English education.

Some of the consideration made by the provincial government are:
- expanding the range of "international school" education, currently running from pre-school to high school, to cover higher education level,
- setting up regulations for English camps to improve its quality and gather local needs for English learning,
- encouraging businesses to build day-care centre targeting foreigners.

Jeju Special Self-Governing Provincial Office of Education has also strived to raise its education level to global standards, and plans to strengthen academic cooperation and exchanges with higher educational institutions abroad. "We are planning to make partnerships with European or American institutions as well in the future." Superintendent Lee said.