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  • Jean Monnet Scholarships applications for the 2018-2019 academic year re-started in December 2017

Jean Monnet Scholarships applications for the 2018-2019 academic year re-started in December 2017

The Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme (JMSP), a project funded by the EU, aims at increasing the number of experts in the EU field and supporting Turkey’s administrative capacity building efforts for the effective implementation of the EU acquis within the framework of Turkey’s negotiation process for the full membership to the EU. Within the framework of Turkey’s negotiation process for the full membership to the EU, the Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme, aims at increasing the number of people specialised on the fields related to the EU acquis and hence supporting Turkey’s administrative capacity building efforts for the effective implementation of the EU acquis

The Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme supports academic studies at graduate or research level at a university or similar institution in one of the EU member countries. Scholarships are granted exclusively for academic studies directly related to Turkey’s EU harmonisation process and the EU acquis

Scholars shall only conduct academic studies at graduate or research level at a university or similar institution in one of the EU member countries for periods of minimum 3 (three), maximum 12 (twelve) months. Academic studies longer than 12 months will not be supported even if the scholars are willing to fund the remaining period. 

The Programme has been suspended since September 2016. 

Application deadline: 23 February 2018

For the announcement and application please visit here.