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Japanese Government to establish Higher Education institutions for vocational training

On 4 June, the Japanese Government announced plans to establish higher education institutions in 2019 that focus on vocational training for high school graduates and working people. Rather than establishing entirely new institutions, existing universities and junior colleges will be encouraged to restructure to become such institutions.

There are several factors behind this new initiative. The Japanese higher education system, which tends to focus on liberal arts education and research over fostering practical skills, is failing to produce enough skilled graduates to meet increasing demand from the corporate sector. There has also been a growing demand for institutions where working people can further develop advanced knowledge and skills. Additionally, there are private universities and junior colleges in Japan which struggle to recruit enough students, and restructuring to form new vocational training institutions could help save such institutions in terms of student recruitment.

In these new institutions, industry will be expected to cooperate in the provision of project based learning opportunities. A new qualification will be created and there will be no limit on the length of study meaning that a student will be able to complete the qualification within a year.


While it is too early to provide a concrete analysis, this new change to the higher education sector in Japan may open up new opportunities for the UK’s further education sector in terms of partnerships and exchanges. It has been difficult for UK further education colleges to directly partner with Japanese universities, but it may be that universities that decide to provide vocational training will now be more willing to collaborate.

This change is a part of a larger initiative by the Japanese Government to encourage the higher education sector to provide better training and education to develop skills which meet the requirements of the industrial sector. UK universities should be alerted to this trend as Japanese universities are increasingly like to partner with international universities that can provide their students with opportunities to develop professional and vocational skills through internships.

If you have any queries, please contact Ayako Towatari, British Council Japan.