Japan woos Indian students

Japan is taking efforts to have more Indian students study at Japanese Universities, and in this attempt has removed the barrier of language to attract ‘Indian young intellect’ to its universities.

The ‘India-Japan Education Summit’ held at Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad earlier this month saw representatives from various Japanese universities including University of Tokyo. Delegates at this event emphasised on low cost of education in Japan and it’s offer of  the best higher education and research facilities.

It is interesting to note that while Japan has had student interest from other South Asian countries like Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka, India continues to be elusive. At 560 Indian students studying in Japanese education institutions, the numbers is lower than the other three countries. One of the delegates cited Indian Prime Minister Modi’s interest in the Bullet Trains, as an example of an area of collaboration with Indian students in education and research.

Is Japan poised to be a competitor country to the UK’s share of the Indian students market? Tell us at siemsouthasia@britishcouncil.org

To read the original story, click on www.thehindu.com/news/national/telangana/japan-the-new-destination-for-h...