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Internet data usage jumps after 3G rollout in Bangladesh.

According to Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) Internet users in Bangladesh crossed 60 million. Due to 3G rollout in Bangladesh data consumption has increased significantly in the last two years.

The total number of internet Subscribers has reached 61.29 million at the end of March, 2016, which were 58.32 million at the end of February 2016 and 56.17 million at the end of January 2016. Of the total internet users 58.05 million use mobile internet, 0.13 million use WiMAX, and 3.11 million use internet through broadband Internet Service Providers and PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) connections. 

With the rollout of 3G mobile network in the country in 2013, people are using more and more data a trend that points towards an aggressive need for data amongst users. As a consequence of that, last year mobile handsets worth $506 million have been imported in Bangladesh. Of the total imports, $379 million is expected for smartphone imports this year. Currently, smart devices account for about 21 percent of total mobile imports, but the number is likely to reach 47 percent by 2020, according to the association.

SIEM Bangladesh recognises these vibrant changes in the Bangladesh digital environment and is delighted to present a range of effective digital services for UK institutions to promote their brand and courses to students in Bangladesh. We use in-house expertise to provide consultation and work on tailor made packages, which will suit the requirements and objectives of UK institutions. We can help by preparing customised offers as per your budget and expected reach. To know more about digital services and packages of SIEM Bangladesh, write to M Jahir Uddin at Jahir.uddin@bd.britishcouncil.org and siemsouthasia@britishcouncil.org.