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International scholarships for Indian and Pakistani students (for both India and Pakistan)

While South Asia is home to some of the world’s largest growing superpowers, challenges of inequality and security continue to exist and this has always fascinated sociologists and humanities academics from around the world. To further delve into these issues Harvard University's South Asia Institute (SAI), based at Harvard Cambridge, has introduced three scholarships to provide Indian and Pakistani students an opportunity to pursue humanities-related research at the university.

Students will pursue research in the fields of philosophy, religion, language, history, cultural studies, visual arts, economics, linguistics, anthropology, political science, sociology, human geography among others and is open to advanced professional degree holders and PhD students or those in the final stages of PhD.

With a large number of students going to America for higher studies from these countries, the scholarships will further motivate students to consider doctoral studies in the USA.

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In a first, Swiss schools reach out to India to attract students

Business Standard


As a first, schools from Switzerland are approaching countries like India, to recruit students to Swiss secondary schools. Swiss Learning, an educational body managed by the Heads of Swiss Educational Institutes, has brought representatives from various schools to meet Indian schools and parents of students.

Swiss Learning is also looking to partner with Indian schools in exchange programmes where students could come to Indian schools and vice-versa through this programme.

Educational consultants feel destinations like Switzerland have caught the students’ fancy. "Many affluent parents in India are open to sending their children abroad even for school education.”

To know more UK schools market in India, please write to Sunit Koli at sunit.koli@britishcouncil.org

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