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International Baccalaureate centres in Spain

Language ability and internationalisation are the two most competitive advantages that schools are aiming for in Spain. As a consecuence, the number of schools (public and private) that are offering international baccalaureate keeps growing year on year. Students from these schools are more likely to aim for a degree outside Spain and, very specially, the UK. The British Council has recently initiated a relationship with the President of the association and we now are offering them access to our newsletters and information sessions. The number of students from these schools which will initially apply to UK Universities will not be large but numbers will grow as soon as word of mouth expands and schools, parents and students get familiar with the UK system. Some of these schools have already become UCAS centres and we are encouraging others to do the same. Below you can find a link to the list of 92 schools offering the IB Diploma, including the language in which students are taught.