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An Interest Free Loan for Advance Level qualified students to follow a degree at a Non State Higher Education Institute

The Government of Sri Lanka, in identifying the importance of providing high quality higher education options for students has begun introducing methods of increasing access to higher education opportunities. The limitations in the state higher education system to address the growing demand from students has pushed the government towards working more closely in the private higher education sector.

With the participation of the private sector (also recognised as Non-State Higher Education institutes and members of the Sri Lanka Association of Non-State Higher Education Institutes – SLANSHEI), the government has agreed to provide financial assistance towards students who are unable to secure placement in state universities. According to the budgetary proposal for a student loan scheme, loans will be provided to a maximum of Rs. 800,000 (approx. GBP 3500) per student for the entire course of study to pursue a selected degree programme offered by a non-state higher education institute approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Highways. In addition Rs. 75,000 (approx. GBP 330) per annum will be provided to cover other expenses.

Through this, the government hopes to provide opportunities to students unable to bear the costs of course fees at foreign universities, foreign university affiliated local institutes or at local Non-State Degree Awarding Institutes recognised by the Ministry of Higher Education.

To find out more information relating to the higher education sector in Sri Lanka please email Nishika Hassim - Manager Higher Education and Education Services.