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Insights and opinion: How can we best support both students and the UK higher education sector?

EU students want to come to study in the UK - and UK universities want to have them. How can we best support both students and the UK higher education sector?

Almut Caspary's blogpost in Times Higher Education draws on 2021 British Council student consideration research and the wealth of insights British Council staff gain when engaging with students in European countries. What’s holding students back this coming academic year isn’t the pandemic … it’s the increase in costs of studying in the UK. 

In future, it would be great if European students were included in any of the existing scholarship schemes: This would send the same welcoming message to European students that has been sent to students in other regions: you want to come, and we want to have you.“

To read the post, please click here: https://www.timeshighereducation.com/blog/scholarships-eu-students-will-aid-post-brexit-admissions-rebuild