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For Information- Background to Korea Government Scholarships

This information is to provide UK institutions the latest intelligence with Korean government sholarship opportunities for their civil servants. Because The Ministry of Personnel Management, the governing body has been taking a proactive attitude on their employee's professional development for the past couple of decades, it is expected that more opportunities will rise for UK institutions to partner with either the Ministry or other government offices for commissioned training programmes. In order to lead successful partnerships, UK institutions are strongly advised to obtain up-to-date knowledge on changing scholarship programmes.
Below paragraphs mostly introduce scholarship programmes for civil servants, but information on other programmes such as "Dreams Project" for high school seniors for undergraduate programmes in foreign countries, and "Blue Bridge Project" for current university students for short term language/culture trainings in foreign countries will also be available in due course. Furthermore, there is a face-to-face networking opportunity with Korean Scholarship Foundation staff members who are leading "Deams Project" and "Blue Bridge Project" on the 11th October, 2018. Any UK institution who is interested in taking part in the meeting can contact British Council in Korea for free registration.
Who designs the programme and what are their needs?
Although different branches have their own training programmes, the MPM's role is still crucial as it is in charge of planning and designing. The official at the training centre commented in the conversation with British Council that they feel they need to increase a number of beneficiaries heading to the UK as majority of employees choose the US due to historical attachment to the country. Last year, among 250-300 employees who received 100% grant, only 40-50 chose the UK as a study destination. They hope to listen to the experiences of former beneficiaries, however, when employees come back to Korea, they are put under much pressure and heavy workloads which makes it very challenging for them to share the benefits of studying in the UK. Because the Ministry is aware of this challenge, they hope to collect some testimonial from their employees and try to regularly upload research/reports the employees produced while they studied in a foreign country. It is also encouraged that UK institutions regularly share recent research/prospectus on Social Sciences, Humanities, International Relations with British Council Korea so that we can constantly give update to the government office. The Ministry is currently working with several universities in the UK, and it is advised that institutions regularly run promotional activities in Korean market in order to raise profile to the local sector as well.

Human Resource Development


Training for Foreign Public Officials

Not only training Korean staff, the Ministry is also actively inviting foreign officials to receive training in Korea. (About 5,246 foreign public officials from 125 countries have completed programs at NHI since 1984.)

Overseas Training Programmes for Civil Servants
Training Objectives are as follows:
•To cultivate international experts for effective implementation of national affairs
•Systematic study and introduction of advanced knowledge, information and system for improving administrative ability to cope with advanced society
•For development of the capacity of public officials
Training Overview
•Destination Countries
1)English speaking countries: the U.S, the U.K, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand
2)Non-English speaking countries: Japan, Germany, France, Spain, other EU nations
3)Special Territories: China, Russia, South East Asia, South America
•Types of Overseas Training
1)Depending on the period, more than 6 months, or less than 6 months programmes
2)Depending on the ownership, either direct from Ministry of Personnel Management, or Talent Acquisition Department, or each bureau
Training Procedure
•In each department, the applicants are awarded with a qualification examination, usually a research project
•Procedure: Negotiation and Selection of Training Institutionsà Negotiating with Training Agenciesà Request for dispatchà Provide related documents and send it to the personnel innovation officeà Refund of training expenses (All or part of the training fee refunded)à Mandatory service period: A period of two times the actual dispatch period
Training Types (Long and Short Term)
- Long term, Practitioner competency course
- Long term, Domestic and foreign linked course
- Long term, 1+1 (degree and job) course
- Short term, International short course
- Short term, Senior manager job training course
- Short term, Individual on-demand course
- Short term, Global co-training course
Language requirement
1)For English speaking countries : TOEFL CBT 220(IBT 83, PBT 560), or pass 65 points in language test run by Seoul National University, Hankuk University of Foreign Languages, Pusan University of Foreign Languages, British Council IELTS 6.0 and above, G-TELP(Level Ⅱ) 77, TOEIC 775, TEPS 700 and above
2)For non-English speaking countries: pass 65 points in language test run by Seoul National University
•Other requirement
1)Someone who can work extended period of time after getting benefits of overseas training
2)Someone with top performance review
Please refer to the attached presentation file for full details.
More Information About the Ministry of Personeel Management

The Ministry of Personnel Management (MPM) is a central government agency of the Republic of Korea(South Korea) responsible for designing and implementing a variety of public personnel policies including recruitment, human resource development, remuneration, welfare and pension programmess affecting public officials of Korea. In November 2014, the MPM was newly established under its current name to reinforce a fair, transparent and balanced innovation throughout the civil service system in Korea. Currently, the MPM consists of seven bureaus and 21 divisions, and two affiliated organisations including the National Human Resources Development Institute (NHRDI) and the Appeals Commission. You can watch the introductory video by clicking the link below. http://www.mpm.go.kr/english/news/IntroMovie/

The NHRDI under the Ministry is responsible of designing and execusing the training programmes for civil servants. The programmes are largely categoried by its location of delivery and the period of training. First, below is the steps Korean civil servants take in Huban Resource Development process.