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Indonesian Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education (Kemristekdikti) offers overseas scholarships for lecturers

The Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education (Kemristekdikti) provides an opportunity for lecturers to continue their higher education (PhD level) in overseas through the Scholarship for Indonesian Lecturers (BUDI LN). Directorate General of Resources for Science & Technology and Higher Education (Kemristekdikti), Ali Ghufron Mukti said that lecturers will have the opportunity to apply BUDI LN programme.

This scholarship is intended for lecturers who teach in state universities (PTN) as well as private universities (PTS). In addition, they are required to have a National Lecturer Identification Number (NIDN) and Special Identification Number (NIDK). According to Ali Ghufron, the quota for BUDI LN is 300 overseas scholarships for this year.

The BUDI LN scholarship aims to resolve the existing problems in higher education. One of the problems is there are around 59,000 lecturers who still have bachelor degree. According to the Indonesian Law on Teachers and Lecturers, ideally lecturers need to have higher degree not only bachelor degree. BUDI LN scholarship is collaboration between Kemristekdikti and LPDP (Indonesian Endowment Fund for Education). Kemristekdikti has the authority to select the BUDI LN candidates meanwhile the funding is provided by LPDP. In addition to 300 overseas scholarships, they also provide 2,000 in country scholarships.

• Insights from Director Education and Society, British Council Indonesia
• Face to face meeting with Kemristekdikti officials

Commentary by Lisa Wilianto, British Council Indonesia, SIEM Programme Manager, lisa.wilianto@britishcouncil.or.id

Indonesian academics (lecturers) have the opportunity to choose their overseas universities and the eligible universities don’t have to be in the top 200. Kemristekdikti selected its own list UK of universities that are included on BUDI scholarship’s list. Some of the universities might not be on the list yet, this would be a good opportunity for UK universities to approach the ministry (kemristekdikti). To be on BUDI scholarship’s list, there are three categories that need to be considered:
1. Ranked higher than the best universities in Indonesia, this can be based on subject strength as well.
2. Already have MoU or agreement with Kemristekdikti
3. Already have double/joint degree or other kind of official collaborations with Indonesian University (U2U)

There will be three scholarship calls for next year and the first opening would be around March 2017.