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Indonesia Ministry of Education and Culture sending vocational teachers to France for upgrading their competences

In regard to Presidential Decree Number 9 Year 2016 regarding the revitalization of vocational high schools (SMK) to upgrade the quality and competitiveness of Indonesian human resources (SDM), the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) is cooperating with the French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research (MENSR) in the implementation of training for productive SMK teachers. The teachers are sent to study the vocational subjects in France for two months.

The Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud), Muhadjir Effendy, said that this training was intended to give productive SMK teachers an opportunity to upgrade their competences. They will be able to explore knowledge and skill from the schools and industry in France.

Directorate General for Teacher and Educational from Indonesia Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) will send 100 vocational high school teachers to France in order to carry the education & skill development programme. In the first phase, they have sent around 18 teachers to France. 

Participants were selected through a selection of 43 people who applied for. The requirements that must be fulfilled by prospective participants include having undergraduate education background with appropriate field of expertise, teaching related subjects, maximum age 40 years, and mastering English. Selection is done in conjunction with the French Embassy.

The training costs are borne by the French government, while the Indonesian government will finance the transportation and living expenses of participants during the training.

Those 18 teachers have attended some preparation classes prior to their departure especially their French language competency, educational system and cultural knowledge. Starting 24rd April until 17th June 2017, teachers will be attending 3 scopes of training programmes such as renewable energy, aeronautical and tourism. 



Commentary by Lisa Wilianto, British Council Indonesia, SIEM Programme Manager, lisa.wilianto@britishcouncil.or.id 

Sending vocational school (SMK) teachers had been conducted in the previous year (March 2016) by the British Council Newton Fund in collaboration with the Education Authorities of East Java Province. Sixteen elected SMK teachers, two representatives from Industry and two representatives from East Java Education Authorities have the opportunity to join electrical engineering teachers training for 12 days at Havering College, Essex, UK. 

In fact, vocational education has become one of the priorities for President Jokowi. As said by Ananto Kusuma Seta, an advisor to the Minister of Education and Culture for Innovation and Competitiveness that vocational education is critical if Indonesia would like to become the world’s 7th largest economic power by 2030. 

Currently, Indonesia Ministry of Industry is looking into the possibility of establishing collaboration with Singapore Education Minister and Industry Minister in developing vocational education in the industrial sector. Further information: http://www.antaranews.com/en/news/110152/indonesia-explores-possibility-of-cooperation-with-singapore-in-vocational-education 

Certainly vocational education development has been taken seriously by Indonesian Government and many countries have been taking part to support this development. UK has been involved as well in 2016. Recently Kemdikbud has been directing SMK to focus on six priority areas; tourism, maritime programs, food security, creative industries, energy, and construction. Further information: http://www.antaranews.com/en/news/108392/indonesia-govt-maximizes-effectiveness-of-vocational-education

UK has been known for their excellence in tourism, maritime programs, food security, creative industries, energy, and construction and these strengths are assets for UK Institutions to collaborate with Indonesian Government. Most vocational high schools (SMK) do not have enough funding to send their teachers for overseas training because they only rely on funding from the provincial government. UK institutions who are interested to explore collaboration with the vocational education sector in Indonesia can try to approach the provincial government and offering cost-sharing basis for a start can be considered.