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Indonesia Government Links with Private Sector for Research

The overall research budget in Indonesia is only 0.09 percent of Indonesia’s GDP. Indonesia’s research budget is low in comparison with other ASEAN countries. The Indonesian government is eager to encourage the business community to make a more significant contribution to research funds for the HE sector.

There are several research areas that will open opportunities for cooperation with the business community, including as food security, advanced materials, energy, information technology, defence and security and health.

British Council commentary:

Government links with private sector for research might open the opportunity for a tripartite collaboration on research between Indonesian HEIs, UK HEIs and the private sector. The type of research will vary in some areas.

Courses that include work placements and collaboration with industry should be emphasized, including UK excellence in this area and existing partnerships with industry.

However, there are some improvements in associated collaboration and research processes that need to be addressed, particularly in growing the academic culture and strengthening facilities that enable research and research collaboration.

Source: print edition Kompas, 9.1.15 (translation): https://acdpindonesia.wordpress.com/2015/01/09/government-links-with-pri...

This is a research report from October 2013 that helps outline and contextualize some of the HE-government-industry collaboration challenges Indonesia faces: http://www.acdp-indonesia.org/docs/ACDP-025-Developing_Strategies_for_Un...