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Indonesia Education Scholarships – the latest updates from Indonesia Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology

The Indonesia Kemendikbud – currently known as Kemendikbud Ristek (Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology) provides Indonesian Education Scholarships (BPI) program. All the scholarships provided by the programme are for undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral and non-degree levels. All the scholarships are a collaboration between Kemendikbud Ristek and LPDP.

Recently announced new scholarship categories that may be available for applicants applying to overseas universities include:

Scholarships for:

  • S1 (undergraduate) applicants
  • D4 (diploma 4) applicants


This scholarship is specifically for applicants for:

  • prospective vocational high school teachers
  • cultural practitioners
  • talent achievement
  • academic achievement

Scholarships for:

  • Master’s and PhD degrees
  • Joint Degree/Dual Degree


This scholarship is specifically for:

  • prospective vocational and academic lecturers
  • existing vocational and academic lecturers

Scholarships for Master’s and PhD for:

  • Education sector employees (teachers, administrative staff, management staff)
  • Trainers/coaches/teachers across different fields


This scholarship is specifically for:

  • teachers
  • education sector employees
  • cultural practitioners
  • talent achievement scholarships.

Complete details on the scholarship categories, criteria, application process, deadlines/timelines and list of international universities that applicants may apply to may be viewed at https://beasiswa.kemdikbud.go.id/

Source:  https://indonesia.go.id/kategori/editorial/2730/enam-program-teranyar-beasiswa-lpdp

Instagram @kemdikbud.ri


Comments by British Council:

Indonesian Minister for Education has stressed on the government’s commitment to providing improved access to quality education. Several plans that were announced in early 2020 were paused due to the global pandemic. These planned education initiatives have recently started being announced and include re-opening of LPDP scholarships, the international mobility awards scheme IISMA, and increased scholarships across different categories. The government is providing more transparent and accessible information through its website and social media channels. In addition, the selection process was made simpler.

The recently  announced changes include:

Previous policy:

The new policy directions include:

More scholarships were allocated for Master’s and PhD programs

New scholarships cater to undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral and non-degree programs (based on established criteria)


The list of approved international universities was compiled from world rankings and input from various parties

The list of international universities is now decided based on:

  • Aggregation of the top 3 world rankings (QS, Times Higher, ARWU / Shanghai Ranking).
  • The best universities (top 5-10) in selected countries
  • Best study program per by subject

Prospective scholarship recipients were required to qualify against multiple selection processes (including interviews)

Applicants will now be selected based on:

  • applicants with a Letter of Acceptance will complete a much simpler process
  • applicants who do not have a Letter of Acceptance will be assisted through the registration process by Ministry personnel

With this change, especially for list of  approved universities, it is hoped that more UK universities with specialisations that meet the needs of the Indonesian Government may be included in the scholarship list. Therefore, it is recommended that UK institutions strengthen partnerships/linkages with local Indonesian institutions (schools and universities) and engage with local students and parents through online channels such as social media. Students' awareness of international institutions’ presence is critical for the Indonesian market. This has also been highlighted by school counsellors, local universities, and education agents.