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Indonesia Education Budget 2023: What Does It Mean for the UK?

In his address to the nation on the eve of Indonesia Independence Day of 17 Aug, President Joko Widodo provides an overview of the National Budget 2023, including key priorities on human capital development (education). On higher education, President Joko Widodo outlines key priorities for 2023. He says: “the Government is also committed to strengthening investment in education, among others by supporting the expansion of scholarship programmes, advancing culture, strengthening world-class universities, and developing research and innovation.”

British Council analysis, based on breakdown of education budget last year, shows that substantial funding is allocated for general education (GBP 4.1 million), Islamic education (GBP 3.1 million), and LPDP scholarship (GBP 1 million). Other ministries and bodies such as Ministry of Youth and Sport, Ministry of Energy, and National Police also receive funding to deliver capacity building, training, and scholarships for their civil servant staffs. All of this indicates that there is real opportunity on students recruitment and research in Indonesia for UK HEIs to pursue. For full analysis, please read the attached file.

Source: President Joko Widodo speech on 16 Aug 2022, State Secretariat https://www.setneg.go.id/listcontent/listberita/pidato_presiden

Indonesia Education Budget 2023.pdf250.97 KB