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Indonesia – BUDI (Indonesian Lecturer’s Scholarship) 2018 Update

Budi or Beasiswa Unggulan Dosen Indonesia Dalam Negeri (Indonesian Lecturer’s Scholarship) is a Doctoral scholarship programme managed by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education and funded by LPDP (Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education).

The scholarship is available for permanent Indonesian lecturers from state and private universities under the ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education supervision. Budi Scholarship covers 3 years of Ph. d / Doctoral programme with a possibility of another 1-year extension.

BUDI previously was managed by Ristekdikti, however currently is managed by LPDP (Ministry of Finance). Therefore, the regulation and application process need to comply with LPDP standard, specifically LPDP affirmation scholarship scheme. Previously the list of University was Top 500 with around 100 UK University listed. Now, the list follows the LPDP affirmation list where only Top 200 of three university rankings system (QS, THE) and Top 50 ARWU Subject Choice is eligible. Therefore only 39 UK universities is included in this category. Although BUDI scholarship is listed under LPDP Affirmation scholarship, these 39 UK Universities are eligible to recruit students from any part of Indonesia.

You can find the list of Universities in this link: https://www.lpdp.kemenkeu.go.id/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Daftar-Pergur...

The application timeline for overseas scholarship application is as follows:
1 Registration opening 2 July 2018
2 Documents submission 2 July – 21 Sept 2018
3 Registration closing 21 Sept 2018
4 Administration selection result 12 October 2018
5 Computer-based selection 22 Oct – 12 Nov 2018
6 Computer-based selection result 17 November 2018
7 Substantial selection 26 Nov – 22 Dec 2018
8 Substantial selection result 28 Dec 2018

All application process for BUDI Scholarship 2018 will be conducted via online on www.beasiswalpdp.kemenkeu.go.id. Further information can be accessed in www.lpdp.kemenkeu.go.id/budi.

Commentary by Audrie Adriana Sanova

Due to the decreasing number of BUDI Scholarship University list, UK Universities that used to be listed under BUDI need to recheck their eligibility again. Especially if they have received application from Indonesian lecturer that wanted to apply using BUDI.

Additionally, the timeline is also very tight, considering that the application deadline is in September 2018. Therefore, we advise UK universities to:
• Disseminate this information to your international office to encourage potential students to apply at the soonest.
• Help to connect potential BUDI students with their supervisors so that they can start their application process.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education is also planning to release a new scholarship scheme for postgraduate and doctoral degree (Lecturers and Academic only) next year that is funded by them not the Ministry of Finance (LPDP). Further information will be provided later this year.
