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  • Indian students look up to foreign Business schools for better career prospects – could your Business School benefit from increased enrolments from India?

Indian students look up to foreign Business schools for better career prospects – could your Business School benefit from increased enrolments from India?

The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) which conducts the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) recently released its 2016 ‘mba.com Prospective Students Survey Report’. According to the report 81% of Indian students preferred to study at international institutions. This number has increased from 76% in 2011.

The report also lists the top reasons for Indian students to choose a foreign institution for business education. The top most reason is reputation of the educational system followed by improved chances of international career, potential to develop an international network of peers, better preparation for their career, peers/ classmates from diverse nationalities and attractiveness of the location. The top destinations that students prefer, as per the report are, the US, the UK, Canada, France, Germany, Singapore, Australia, the Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland.

While the number of students wanting to go abroad increases each year,  so does competition from countries like Canada, Australia and France.

To raise the profile of Business study options in the UK, the British Council is organising a Business and Management mission this year in September travelling to four top Indian cities. The mission objective is to scope for partnerships and indirect recruitment opportunities. Do get in touch with us if you would like to attend this mission or find out more by writing to Shruti Khanna with a copy to SIEM South Asia.

To read the full story visit http://www.livemint.com/Politics/2M6kTpspERORVvnTs3NoSK/Foreign-Bschools-continue-to-dazzle-Indian-students.html