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Indian students explore new countries to pursue higher education

Students in India are looking for courses which can give more across a range of non-traditional education destinations. Geographical location of a university is not much of concern to students. Students while choosing a study destination now focus mainly on the credibility of the institution, the availability of the course they wish to pursue and last but not the least, value for money, in terms of the cost of the course and employability post the course.

Students looking for niche or highly-specialised programs opt for institutions or destinations focused on these courses, such as studying genetics and molecular biology or something as specific as agricultural engineering. Countries like Finland, Netherlands, Hong Kong and South Africa are becoming popular in the gamut of choice of country.

SIEM India provides opportunities to UK institutions to reach out to prospective students digitally and face to face. UK Institutions are advised to proactively divert students to their websites, Facebook pages, involve their alumni and highlight the USP of studying at their institutions to enhance their institution brand in India. To know more about opportunities for the coming intake write to shruti.khanna@in.britishcouncil.org and cc to siemsouthasia@britishcouncil.org

Read more: http://www.hindustantimes.com/education/new-horizons-in-education-looking-beyond-the-us-and-the-uk/story-3HGdAxoh93SFrfTLBxNp7N.html