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Indian students expanding their study horizons - Germany and New Zealand observe an increase in Indian students

New Zealand has reported annual net gains from its ‘migration statistics’ for a continuous period of 11 months. The government has reported students from India and China have been increasing which is helping the economy build its migrant population. According to Statistics New Zealand, the country had a net gain of 4,800 migrants last month, putting the annual net gain in the year ending June at 58,300.

Germany is another country which has seen a rise in its foreign student population. In the year 2014, more than 300,000 students were studying in Germany, the government claims that every tenth student in Germany comes from abroad. Most students are from other European and Russian countries though the number of student’s from China and India have also increased drastically.

Traditionally, USA and UK are the most popular International student destination for Indians. With the range of options now available, a trend can be observed where Indian students are shifting their preferences to other foreign countries. In view of this change , SIEM India is putting in efforts to keep the Indian student market   interested in UK’s world class education  and multi-cultural identity as one of the world’s most exciting countries to live in .  We have organised a schools tour to cover eight cities across India and will visit subject specialist institutions in September to help facilitate partnerships and collaborations between local institutions and UK institutions. We are also in the midst of recruiting for the November Education UK exhibitions which are the one of the largest education fairs in India. 


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