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Indian Internet users to cross 500 million in 2016

According to Ravi Shankar Prasad, the Minister for Communications and Information Technology, India will have over 500 million internet users in 2016. As per figures provided by various internet service providers, the current number of internet users in India is 402 million. The minister said that the government was expecting to reach 500 million users by 2017. However, with the current rate of subscriptions, India will have 500 million users before this year ends.

The number of mobile users has now crossed 1 billion and will continue to rise.  and it is becoming increasingly important for brands and companies in India to have a strong digital presence  if they are to reach and engage with their target market. Full article is available at: http://www.business-standard.com/article/economy-policy/internet-users-in-india-to-cross-500-mn-in-2016-prasad-116050401237_1.html

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