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  • Indian Higher Education Institutions are being asked to offer Apprenticeship/Internship embedded degree programmes

Indian Higher Education Institutions are being asked to offer Apprenticeship/Internship embedded degree programmes

The University Grants Commission (UGC) of India in its recent written communication to the higher education institutions has reminded of the commitment in the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 to make fresh graduates employment-ready with necessary knowledge, competencies and attitude.   The UGC had framed guidelines for apprenticeship/internship embedded degree courses in 2020 with the objective to improve student employability through outcome based learning and strong industry-academia linkages.

The total credits assigned to a particular degree programme will follow the new Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) which will be in force from 2022.  A student will have to earn 132 credits for the award of undergraduate degree. It is expected that at least 20% of the total programme credit will be suitably assigned to apprenticeship/ internship training.  The HEls are allowed to develop their own mechanism to give academic credits for the apprenticeship/internship undertaken as part of the programme. 

The University Grants Commission is the apex body under Government of India entrusted with mandate of providing funds and that of coordination, determination, and maintenance of standards in institutions of higher education.

British Council Comments:

The new apprenticeship/internship embedded degree offer has a direct linkage to one of the reforms proposed in the NEP 2020 and it takes on board the world-wide recognition of apprenticeships training as the most efficient medium to combine work-based learning with theoretical knowledge.

The Indian HEIs are expected to design the new apprenticeship/internship embedded programmes aligned to the UGC guidelines in consultation with the Indian Sector Skill Councils, industry/industry associations and commercia/non-commercial organisations/enterprises.  This could include review and adaptation of existing best practices and models elsewhere to meet the local context and needs.  The Indian HEIs might seek technical assistance or collaborations for knowledge sharing in design of a suitable curriculum and setting up industry linkages for apprenticeships training.  Any further updates will be shared as soon as they are available.

For more details



If you have any questions, please write to Sandeepa Sahay (Regional Coordinator, South Asia Education Insight Hub)