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  • India will have 500 million internet users by 2017

India will have 500 million internet users by 2017

At a workshop in Bhopal, a senior official from Google said India will have 500 million internet users by 2017 and 400 million of these users will access internet from a mobile device. At present there are 350 million internet users in the country out of which 152 million use a mobile device to access the web.

47.9% of the Indian population is less than 21 years of age (Source: http://censusindia.gov.in/Census_And_You/age_structure_and_marital_statu...). A substantial population from this 47.9% of young Indians would be looking for further and higher education at an international destination. Moreover, today’s youth is always connected to the web through social media and other digital platforms. With the projected increase in numbers of students accessing internet on mobile devices, reaching out and engaging with the student community digitally will attain significance in marketing international study opportunities. SIEM India, through its Digital Marketing Services can help the UK institutions reach out, engage and communicate with their target audiences on digital platforms.

For more information on Digital Marketing Services in India please write to Apoorv Aphale and Shruti Khanna with a cc to SIEM South Asia

To read the original story, please visit http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/tech/tech-news/Google-Internet-users-in-India-to-touch-500-million-by-2017/articleshow/51077664.cms