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India set to become Asia’s education hub – keen to revive Foreign Educational Institutions Bill

India set to become Asia’s education hub – keen to revive Foreign Educational Institutions Bill

The Modi government is all set to revive the Foreign Education Providers bill which will open doors for foreign universities to set up campuses in India.
The Foreign Education Providers bill was at the risk of being a forgotten mandate with a complicated regulation system hindering its coming into existence. However, interestingly the current ministry of external affairs and human resource development with NITI Aayog debated in favour of the ‘internationalisation’ of Indian education which will support India’s economy through foreign exchange earnings as well as create a new ‘Educated in India’ brand which will promote high quality education through foreign providers and thereby attract students in Asia and other countries globally to study in India.

The proposal currently under dicussion highlighted foreign institutions will have the opportunity to set up campuses in India and the future plan is to promote India as a hub in Asia for quality higher education.
The ministry of commerce in their support towards the bill has ensured that they will assist the HRD ministry for the "early passage" of the bill.

With the advent of this positive news, we feel this will open a market for UK institutions in India to widen the recruitment platforms. With the demand for international education in India – the bill will bring access and ease to UK institutions to set up campuses, have more Indian students study their courses and expand their respective markets.

To read the original story click here : http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2015-05-28/news/62765978_1_...

Watch this space for more on the Foreign Education Providers bill or for any partnership related opportunities please write to Shruti Khanna on shruti.khanna@in.britishcouncil.org with a CC to siemsouthasia@britishcouncil.org