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India to produce highest number of engineers globally

According to the first ever global report commissioned by Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, 80% Indian students are interested in a career in engineering, the highest in the world. This is in stark contrast to 20% students in the UK who want to make a career in engineering,  and 30% in the USA.

The report has also unveiled the gender gap in students opting for an engineering career in India has closed in. While 85% Indian men want to pursue engineering, the women are close to men at 79%. This is an excellent number considering the access problems to education Indian women face compared to their counterparts in more developed and technically advanced countries such as the USA, the UK, Germany and Japan.

To capitalise on this trend, UK institutions should promote and focus on engineering courses and scholarships in India. SIEM India will continue to work with UK Institutions to facilitate interaction with students and academics from local institutions offering technical education.

To read the original article, please visit http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/India-set-to-produce-worlds-largest-number-of-engineers/articleshow/49532113.cms?_sm_au_=iVVMTQlrVQf64Mj7

To explore engagement opportunities with local technical institutions, write to Shruti Khanna with cc to siemsouthasia@britishcouncil.org.