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India Education Bulletin: competition update, edition I

Welcome to the first edition of competition update for the month of July.

Please find below news on how competition countries are faring in the Indian market.

1. French and Indian institutions sign agreements with 11 Indian educational institutions from the field of science and technology, law and management to facilitate exchange of students and faculty members. The Ecolde de Formation des Barreaux institute was in India last week. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said "Until now more than 500 agreements have been signed between Indian and French institutes and it is not restricted to cities like Delhi and Mumbai alone," .

To know more, click : /www.business-standard.com/article/pti-stories/french-indian-institutes-s...

2. US, UK, Australia and France are the favourite higher education destinations among Indians students. The Open Doors Report, published by the Institute of International Education, an independent not-for-profit organisation with a network of 19 offices and affiliates worldwide, which was released in November 2014, reported a 7% increase in the number of international students. The report reveals that though India remained the top three countries of origin with China and Korea, the number of Indian students went down by 4% for the second year. This report provides a good analysis of increase in the number of International students in US, France and Australia.

To know more, click: www.hindustantimes.com/hteducation/educationnews/go-beyond-cut-offs-stud...

3. Australia Immigration update: Overseas student arrivals will increase and departures fall away as a result of work incentives and other visa changes, the immigration department predicts. The department of net overseas migration say that student arrivals are expected to reach 536,400 over last four years from December 2014. Additionally the department predicts that over the next four years, the weak economy will see an increase in departures for others on temporary visas, notably in the temporary work skilled and working holiday categories.

To know more, click: www.theaustralian.com.au/higher-education/students-figure-large-in-forec...