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  • India’s University Grants Commission sends out new notice on fake universities

India’s University Grants Commission sends out new notice on fake universities

India’s University Grants Commission released a public notice on 25 August 2022 with an updated list of 21 fake Indian universities. These self-proclaimed universities are unrecognised by the UGC, and have no right to confer or grant degrees.

Most of the institutions featured in the list were also included in the previous 2020 list of fake universities, with the overall number coming down marginally to 21 from the earlier count of 24. Most of these fake universities are located in Delhi, while the number in Uttar Pradesh has reduced by half.  

The UGC notice along with the list can be seen here.

British Council comments

India’s routine warnings about fraudulent institutions underscores the strong checks the country has in place to review violations of university governance rules and provisions and at the same time raises awareness among the public about fraudulent institutions which jeopardise student’s future education and career aspirations.

However, it also highlights that this is an ongoing issue in the country. It is important for the international office of the UK higher education institutions to be aware of such a list and check for such notices which are put out by the UGC on their website from time to time. 

If you have any question, please contact Sandeepa Sahay


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