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India’s education technology market to gain popularity amongst students in Tier II and III cities

A recent report by a consulting firm highlights that India’s online supplemental education market is expected to be worth $2.5 billion by end of this year and a prediction of 15% growth over three years.

The report highlights that the target group for promoting the online supplemental education is 20 million students (in classes 6-12) and a substantial number of students could be from tier II and III cities. The main motivation for students to take up these courses will be its engaging course material and inventive teaching methods and pedagogy. Additionally these courses will reach out to students in distant tier II and III cities where there isn’t sufficient education infrastructure. However the report also predicts certain obstacles like the poor internet connectivity in the tier II and III cities of India along with lack of awareness amongst the student population there for online courses.

SIEM India tracks the growth of digitalisation on the education front and will keep the UK sector posted for any opportunities related to promotion of online courses in tier II and III cities of India. For any queries please write to Shruti Khanna CC SIEM South Asia

Read the original story at: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/services/education/indias-ed-technology-market-pegged-at-2-5-billion-redseer/articleshow/54413464.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst