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India’s digital education platforms become more accessible

In another step to take education to every part of India, the HRD Ministry has launched depository where all verified education records shall be stored digitally by local institutions. This step was taken in order to avoid forgery of document now that the ministry wants to make education more accessible with the Swayam and Swayam Prabha platforms.

The new and interesting update is, the Swayam Prabha platform will require a dish antenna to be installed and students will have access to 32 digital educational channels run by the HRD Ministry on their television sets at home.

Students that complete courses on the Swayam platform will be provided a certificate of course completion and also the marks and grades for the course completion will be transferred to the student’s overall academic records which can be used to upgrade onto a future education.

The courses that will run on these channels will also cover preparatory courses for students that aspire to study at the IITs in India.

This is a huge opportunity for institutions that are offering online courses. As India becomes more open towards digitally taught courses, it is indicative of a market that is now ready to move ahead with digital learning.  UK institutions could look at promoting their respective online courses to create awareness amongst the Indian students about the ease of learning and quality of education offered via online courses

For more information on promotion opportunities please write to Shruti Khanna  with cc to SIEM SA

Read original story here: http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/prez-launches-three-digital-initiatives-in-education-sector/1/998054.html