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Increase in student enrolments in English medium schools in India

District Information System for Education (DISE) of the National University of Education Planning and Administration has recently released data about the Indian students’ school enrolment for last 5 years. From the numbers released, there has been a sharp rise in students’ enrolment in English medium schools compared to Hindi medium schools.

Since most of the populous States in North India still prefer Hindi as the medium of instruction, the total number of students enrolled in Hindi medium schools is still high. However, the percentage increase in enrolment in English medium schools is significant for the last 5 years. The English numbers were 15 million in 2008-09. The same went up to 29 million in 2013-14. 

In particular, states like Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana and Jharkhand has seen a significant increase in student enrolment in English medium education institutions.

This comes as good news particularly for UK Institutions as it can be predicted that India will now produce more students with English language skills. Also since their medium of education has been English, the probability of them opting for education abroad increases, thus expanding the target pool for UK Institutions.

SIEM India continues to work towards enhancing brand UK in second tier cities/sub metro states of India. Since the growth of students enrolling in English medium institutions have increased in states which have traditionally been tagged as Hindi speaking ones – this is an opportunity for UK institutions  to explore these markets and capitalise on this new emerging trend by promoting education in the UK.

To know more about SIEM marketing products or understand viability of marketing your courses in these states, send us an email on shruti.khanna@in.britishcouncil.org marking a CC to siemsouthasia@britishcouncil.org

To read the original story, please visit http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Number-of-children-studying-in-English-doubles-in-5-years/articleshow/49131447.cms